How to help students cope with change
With the world facing massive disruption, people instinctively seek a place where they feel safe. Help young people to fight the impulse to turn inward and hide away from others. Right now, physical distance is essential for health but you can intensify social nearness. When young people are anxious and uncertain, the process back to business as usual takes time. It is best not to do it alone and this is one of the most effective ways to cope with change.
How to raise a tough teen
Our world is becoming ever more complex socially, environmentally and politically. It is a world where many flounder, making it increasingly difficult for them to develop meaning or mastery. Blinded by societal pressure and fears, many young people find themselves future-blind and disengaged. Rapid changes in technology, and increased addiction to social media have seen people becoming stuck in a permanent and ceaseless present.Read more → -
What do senior high school students need the most?
“I have really bad anxiety and am depressed. On some nights I feel like my life is not worth living. I just think about how I’m not worth it, not important. Here’s the thing though. You told us all we were important. That hit home for me that minute. I was holding back tears; to be told you are important is something everyone should be told… not just once but many, many times. I have been called pretty, nice, smart etc. But being called important really hits a heart string.” Year 10 Student Kingscliff, QLD 2016 In 2015 there were...
The 8 things boys really need from their mums
Mothers all over Australia are tearing their hair out trying to manage the hormonal changes happening to their once tender boys. This smelly, grunting, obnoxious teenager is a far cry from her little sweet boy that once allowed her to smoother him with kisses. Now all he seemingly wants to do is eat, masturbate and play computer games. These moments are only disrupted with outbursts of anger and frustration.So what does a boy want? In working with teenage boys for over 15 years I have complied a list of my top eight tips to help mums give their boys what...
Don't tell your children to play it safe.
I recently visited a school whose academic results are some of the best in the state. When chatting to teachers over lunch, it was explained to me many of the parents within their school community tell their children, “They can pursue whatever they like at University, as long as it is Medicine, Accountancy or Law.” Of course not every parent from this particular school wants this, but it’s a commonly held notion large enough to warrant a mention.From my experience speaking in over five hundred schools I would concur with this belief. There does exist a substantial amount of parents...
Beware: Motivator in the Room
He speaks to thousands of people each year and quite surprisingly many of these young men and women often sit in his midst feeling somewhat exhausted. They are wearied by two things, firstly the energy that oozes from him with every word and every angle he holds his body makes you wonder where your dose of life got lost this morning. You conclude it was probably redirected to his biceps!Then secondly what he expects of his audiences makes you wish the ground would swallow you and end it all before his message truly takes effect. Does he actually mean we...